April 14, 2023
Journal Article

System Modeling for Grid-Interactive Efficient Building Applications


Despite the abundance of applications of system modeling in building-to-grid (B2G) integration, the transfer of those applications to real-world practices is still in its early stages. This is partially due to the lack of a summary on how system modeling should be established for a given application of the B2G integration. In this paper, we fill this gap by providing an extensive survey of the literature on system modeling in B2G integration that has been produced in the past decade. This survey involves over 300 relevant journal articles from the building community, the power system community, and the society of control. Specifically, we first identified key requirements for system modeling in B2G integration based on various types of applications discussed in those publications. We then summarized the system modeling applications from those publications, in terms of their assumptions, modeling approach, and simulation. After that, we analyzed different assumptions made for various applications, the extent to which those modeling approaches satisfied the key requirements, and how those approaches can be scaled up for large-scale applications, which are quite common in B2G integration. In addition, this survey gives insights on how to use system modeling for different applications in B2G integration. At the end, it provides recommended directions for future studies to fully unleash the potentials of system modeling to support B2G integration.

Published: April 14, 2023


Ye Y., C.A. Faulkner, R. Xu, S. Huang, Y. Liu, D.L. Vrabie, and J. Zhang, et al. 2023. System Modeling for Grid-Interactive Efficient Building Applications. Journal of Building Engineering 69. PNNL-SA-174884. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106148