Space Science, Technology, and Policy

Advancing solutions to address the emerging technology, science, and policy challenges of space exploration.

Planet Earth from space

(Image by somchaisom |

Space Science, Technology, and Policy

Why Space?

Space is a major influence on daily life and national security. From the globe-orbiting satellites that feed communication devices and weather-forecasting tools—to the global positioning system that enables precise navigation, instant credit card transactions, and critical military and intelligence operations—space-based technologies have rapidly become central to the human experience on Earth.

In the future, space presents unimaginable opportunities. It could hold resources to sustain life on Earth; knowledge and scientific discovery that propel economic growth; and technologies that change lives. However, with the growth of space-related activity, from both industry and government, comes potential new threats to national security.

Meeting the Grand Challenge of Space

Space is a grand challenge requiring the nation’s top minds, research, and innovations. It’s a challenge Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) stands ready to tackle.

PNNL’s Space Science, Technology, and Policy (SSTP) focus area is built on our deep history in areas such as power and energy, nuclear science, chemistry, biology, data science, treaty verification, material science, nuclear nonproliferation, international policy, cybersecurity, treaty verification, and national security.

Drawing on diverse technical expertise and capabilities from across the Laboratory, we have years of experience addressing technical challenges in space and are poised to lead creative and multidisciplinary solutions for complex, rapidly evolving space challenges.

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