
RemPlex: Global Summit on Environmental Remediation

Facilitating knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and hands-on, practical learning to address the most difficult challenges facing remediation sites worldwide.

RemPlex Hero Image
November 8-12, 2021

Virtual: Hosted by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

See the Detailed Program for session information. All sessions are held over ZoomGov and listed in Pacific Standard Time, originating out of Washington State.

Summit Overview

The Center for the Remediation of Complex Sites (RemPlex), in collaboration with representatives within the U.S. and international environmental remediation community, invites participants to a Global Summit on Environmental Remediation: an international forum to share and discuss the challenges, barriers, and innovative solutions for successful remediation and long-term stewardship of contaminated sites worldwide.

The Summit’s international case studies will provide a unique platform for knowledge sharing and technology transfer by bringing together government, industry, and research institutions to examine site-specific challenges and solutions. The integration of the case studies, panel discussions, and technical sessions will provide networking opportunities and interactive experiences for translating site-specific knowledge and lessons learned to the environmental remediation community.

The Summit is organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Important Dates:

  • Late August: Registration opens. The program is being adjusted for the virtual format and will be announced in late August. 
  • September 15: Abstracts due. Topics: Subsurface Remote Sensing; Multiscale Modeling and Upscaling; Environmental Sensors; Emerging Contaminants of Concern; Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning; General Session


Nik Qafoku, Deputy Director of Outreach and Engagement

(509) 371-6089 | 

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