November 11, 2021
Journal Article

A transcriptional relationship with a natural product disrupts mitochondrial biogenesis


Discovery of new compound leads and oncology targets to treat cancer will require overcoming resistance to traditional therapies such as BRAF and mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors (MAPKi). In addition, potent new therapies will benefit from selective localization at the cancer site rather than general cell toxicity which can lead to undesired side effects. This selectivity can be gained by identifying new compound leads that are “prodrugs”, that is they are activated by mechanisms selective to cancer cells leading to strong pharmacological activity (Zhang, 2017). Continuing discovery of anticancer agents that overcome resistance and take advantage of cancer cell mechanisms will be greatly augmented by returning to the potent well of natural products; in fact, an analysis of a 70-year period ending in 2014 showed that nearly 50% of approved anticancer drugs are or are derived from natural products (Newman, 2016). Discovery of new agents with high potency and selectivity will require natural product research focused on discovering biologically active compounds with unique structures and mechanisms of action that utilize target cell functions.

Published: November 11, 2021


Wright A.T. 2021. A transcriptional relationship with a natural product disrupts mitochondrial biogenesis. Cell Chemical Biology 28, no. 10:1392 - 1393. PNNL-SA-166818. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2021.10.002

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