March 9, 2023
Journal Article

Rapid remodeling of the soil lipidome in response to a drying-rewetting event


Background: Microbiomes contribute to multiple ecosystem services by transforming organic matter in soil. Extreme shifts in the environment, such as drying-rewetting cycles during drought, can impact microbial metabolism of organic matter by altering their physiology and function. These physiological responses are regulated in part by lipids that are responsible for regulating interactions between cells and the environment. Despite this critical role in regulating microbial response to stress, little is known about microbial lipids and metabolites in soil or how they influence phenotypes that are expressed under drying- rewetting cycles. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a soil incubation experiment to simulate soil drying during a summer drought of an arid grassland, then measured the response of the soil lipidome and metabolome during the first 3 h after wet-up.

Published: March 9, 2023


Couvillion S.P., R.E. Danczak, D.T. Naylor, M.L. Smith, K.G. Stratton, V.L. Paurus, and K.J. Bloodsworth, et al. 2023. Rapid remodeling of the soil lipidome in response to a drying-rewetting event. Microbiome 11, no. 2023:34. PNNL-SA-172149. doi:10.1186/s40168-022-01427-4

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