April 26, 2024
Conference Paper

Malicious Cyber Activity Detection using Zigzag Persistence


In this study we synthesize zigzag persistence from topological data analysis with autoencoder-based approaches to detect malicious cyber activity, and derive analytic insights. Cybersecurity aims to safeguard computers, networks, and servers from various forms of malicious attacks, including network damage, data theft, and activity monitoring. We focus on the cybersecurity domain and investigate the detection of malicious activity using log data. We consider the dynamics of the log data and explore the changing topology of a hypergraph representation of this data to gain insights into the underlying activity. These hypergraphs capture complex interactions between processes, together with their temporal information. To study the changing topology we use zigzag persistence, which captures how topological features persist at multiple dimensions over time. We observe that this detects malicious activity in a cyber data set. To automate this detection we implement an autoencoder trained on a vectorization of the resulting zigzag persistence barcodes. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the autoencoder in detecting malicious activity. Overall, this study highlights the potential of zigzag persistence and its combination with temporal hypergraphs for analyzing cybersecurity log data and detecting malicious behavior.

Published: April 26, 2024


Myers A.D., A.S. Bittner, S.G. Aksoy, D.M. Best, G. Roek, H. Jenne, and C.A. Joslyn, et al. 2023. Malicious Cyber Activity Detection using Zigzag Persistence. In IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC 2023), November 7-9, 2023, Tampa, FL, 1-8. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-185724. doi:10.1109/DSC61021.2023.10354204