September 1, 2023
Conference Paper

Investigation of Farm-to-Farm Interactions and Blockage Effects from AWAKEN using Large-Scale Numerical Simulations


A large-scale numerical computation of five wind farms was performed as a part of the American Wake Experiment (AWAKEN). This high-fidelity computation used the ExaWind/AMR-Wind LES solver to simulate a 100km × 100km domain containing 541 turbines under unstable atmospheric conditions matching previous measurements. The turbines were represented by Joukowski and OpenFAST coupled actuator disk models. Results of this qualitative comparison illustrate the interactions with wind farms with large scale ABL structures in the flow, as well as the extent of downstream wake penetration in the flow and blockage effects around wind farms.

Published: September 1, 2023


Cheung L.C., A.S. Hsieh, M.L. Blaylock, T. Herges, N. Develder, K. Brown, and P. Sakievich, et al. 2023. Investigation of Farm-to-Farm Interactions and Blockage Effects from AWAKEN using Large-Scale Numerical Simulations. In Wakes Conference 2023, June 20-22, 2023, Visby, Sweden. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2505, Paper No. 012023. PNNL-SA-181864. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2505/1/012023

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