June 29, 2023

High-throughput native mass spectrometry as experimental validation for in silico drug design


In this project, we developed automated workflows for both experimental validation and computational prediction of protein-ligand interactions. The ultimate goal is to establish an integrated pipeline for high throughput design of inhibitors to enzymes relevant to all areas of biological research. Our experimental approach is based on native mass spectrometry (native MS), which measures accurate masses and quantify the relative abundance of protein-ligand complexes to define binding affinity. We set up an in-house built autosampler with highly flexible configurations to minimize the manual steps for high throughput native MS. In parallel, we also performed manual native MS to characterize the binding of substrates and inhibitors of SARS-Cov-2 nonstructural protein nsp10/16 in order to optimize the experimental parameters for future automation. On the computational side, we streamlined the pipeline to achieve minimal manual intervention for predicting enzyme inhibitors via simulation, using the same nsp10/16 system as an example. Using the native MS method we examined 8 top-ranked designed compounds, 2 of which showed weak binding of ~50 µM. The information from native MS experiment provided critical insights and the foundation for a fully integrated workflow for enzyme inhibitor design.

Published: June 29, 2023


Zhou M., K.J. Schultz, J.W. Wilson, A. Kruel, S.M. Thibert, C.C. Bracken, and D.J. Orton, et al. 2022. High-throughput native mass spectrometry as experimental validation for in silico drug design Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.