January 13, 2023
Journal Article

First STAX detector installation at the National Institute for Radioelements (IRE)


The Source Term Analysis of Xenon (STAX) project has been installing stack detectors at medical isotope production facilities to measure radioxenon emissions to investigate the effect of radioxenon releases on nuclear explosion monitoring. This paper outlines the installation of the first STAX detection system at the National Institute for Radioelements (IRE) in Fleurus, Belgium which has been operating for over three years and transferring collected data to the STAX repository. Information about the equipment installed, the data flow established, and calculations for determination of radioxenon releases from the facility are presented. Data quality was investigated to confirm values reported by STAX automated data processing and in a comparison of collected STAX data with data collected by IRE for regulatory reporting.

Published: January 13, 2023


Doll C.G., M. Auer, J.I. Friese, T.W. Bowyer, J.L. Burnett, B. Deconninck, and N. Maurissen, et al. 2022. First STAX detector installation at the National Institute for Radioelements (IRE). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 255. PNNL-SA-169930. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2022.107036