August 24, 2023

Enhanced Hanford Low-Activity Waste Glass Property Data Development: Phase 5 and Phase 6


This report summarizes the data collected on two test matrices of low-activity waste (LAW) glass compositions intended to expand the composition-property database: Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Phase 5: Expansion of LAW Glass Composition Boundaries and LAW Phase 6: High PCT and VHT Response Glass Matrix. Both matrix glass compositions were statistically designed to expand the LAW glass composition region. The analyses performed on these glasses include chemical composition (for target compositional verification), density, viscosity, electrical conductivity, crystal fraction, container centerline cooling with crystal identification, the product consistency test (PCT) response, the vapor hydration test (VHT) response, and sulfur solubility. Because of the slightly different scope of the two matrices, not all methods were applied to both matrices. Specifically, the following measurements were taken only on the LAW Phase 5: Expansion of LAW Glass Composition Boundaries glasses: crystal fraction as a function of temperature, density (?), viscosity (?), and electrical conductivity (EC, e). Combined, these data contribute a significant amount, 51 glasses, to the database for high LAW loaded enhanced waste glasses. Most of these data are focused near the boundaries of acceptable PCT and VHT responses, where prediction uncertainties are most impactful.

Published: August 24, 2023


Gervasio V., C.E. Lonergan, J.D. Vienna, J.B. Lang, B.E. Westman, J. Reiser, and J.J. Neeway, et al. 2023. Enhanced Hanford Low-Activity Waste Glass Property Data Development: Phase 5 and Phase 6 Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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