January 15, 1995
Journal Article

Dual Quartz Crystal Microbalance


Construction and performance of a dual quartz crystal microbalance is discribed. The final probe has a dipstick configuration that is particularly suitable for sensing and monitoring applications in viscous and/or conducting liquids. The differential (heterdyned) frequency measurement substaintially eliminates the deleterious effects of viscosity, temperature, and conductivity. The corresponding performance coefficients are temperature df/ dT=1.5 Hz/degrees C, viscosity df/dnL=103 Hz/cP, and conductivity df/dM=108 Hz/M, where conductivity is expressed in terms of molarity of sodium chloride. As an example, the etching of a 2000-A-thick layer of aluminum has been monitored as a function of time.

Revised: June 28, 2019 | Published: January 15, 1995


Dunham G.C., N.H. Benson, D. Petelenz, and J. Janata. 1995. Dual Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Analytical Chemistry 67, no. 2:267-272. PNNL-SA-24003. doi:10.1021/ac00098a005