January 28, 2022
Journal Article

Correspondence: A new two-step approach for evaluating discomfort from glare


While there are several rating scales commonly used to measure discomfort from glare sources, there are issues in the design of these scales that lead to noise in the data and in turn contribute to continued disagreement about the prediction of discomfort. Problems with rating scales include uncertainty about the meaning of magnitude descriptors, limited analysis opportunities available for some rating scales, inconsistent labelling of scale descriptors between studies that are using the “same” scale, the inability for subjects to indicate the lack of discomfort, and that it is uncertain where lies the borderline between comfort and discomfort. This paper proposes a new two-step scale for rating discomfort from glare.

Published: January 28, 2022


Hickcox K.S., S. Fotios, B.K. Abboushi, and N.J. Miller. 2022. Correspondence: A new two-step approach for evaluating discomfort from glare. Lighting Research & Technology 54, no. 1:91-92. PNNL-SA-167574. doi:10.1177/14771535211071133

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