January 13, 2023

Considerations for Resilience Guidelines for Clean Energy Plans For the Oregon Public Utility Commission and Oregon Electricity Stakeholders


This document summarizes relevant approaches, research, models, and national examples for state utility regulators tasked with developing utility guidelines for risk-based resiliency planning. In 2021, the Oregon Legislature enacted a 100 percent clean electricity by 2040 standard that requires the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) to oversee utility planning for aggressive clean energy deployment through Clean Energy Plans (House Bill 2021, Sec. 4 ). In addition to meeting emissions reductions targets, Clean Energy Plans must also: "Include a risk-based examination of resiliency opportunities that includes costs, consequences, outcomes, and benefits based on reasonable and prudent industry resiliency standards and guidelines established by the Public Utility Commission." This report will support the Oregon Public Utility Commission in developing resilience guidelines. Other state public utility commissions may also benefit from this research.

Published: January 13, 2023


Homer J.S., K.M. Boenker, A.A. Lippert, K. Oikonomou, R.M. Tapio, and H. Corsair. 2022. Considerations for Resilience Guidelines for Clean Energy Plans For the Oregon Public Utility Commission and Oregon Electricity Stakeholders Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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