June 30, 2023
Journal Article

Analyzing BMP2, FGFR, and TGF beta expressions in high-grade osteosarcoma untreated and treated autografts using proteomic analysis


In the last few decades, biological reconstruction techniques have improved greatly for treating high-grade osteosarcoma patients. To conserve the limb, and its function the affected tumor-bearing bones have been treating using liquid nitrogen and irradiation processes that enable the removal of entire tumors from the bone, and these treated autografts can be reconstructed to the patients. Here, we focused on the expressions of the growth factor family proteins from the untreated and the treated autografts that play a crucial role in bone union, remodeling, and regeneration. In this proteomic study, we identified several important cytoskeletal, transcriptional, and growth factor family proteins that showed substantially low levels in untreated autografts. Interestingly, these protein expressions were elevated after treating the tumor bearing bones using liquid nitrogen and irradiation. Therefore, from our preliminary findings, we chose to determine the expressions of BMP2, TGF-Beta, and FGFR proteins by target proteomics approach. Using a newly recruited validation set, we successfully validated the expressions of the selected proteins. Furthermore, the increased growth factor protein expressions after treatment with liquid nitrogen may contribute to bone regeneration healing, and assist in faster recovery, and reduce local recurrence and metastatic spread in high-grade sarcoma patients.

Published: June 30, 2023


Madda R., C. Chen, C. Chen, J. Wang, H. Wu, P. Wu, and W. Chen. 2022. Analyzing BMP2, FGFR, and TGF beta expressions in high-grade osteosarcoma untreated and treated autografts using proteomic analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 13:Art. No. 7409. PNNL-SA-178369. doi:10.3390/ijms23137409

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