Lab Fellow, Chemist
Lab Fellow, Chemist


Tom Autrey is a staff scientist in the Physical and Computational Sciences Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Dr. Autrey's current research interests are focused on materials and approaches to hydrogen storage for small power and on-board fuel cell applications. He is a PI on the DOE Office of Science Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, Control of Hydrogen Release and Uptake in Condensed Phases, and a CoPI on the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Hydrogen Storage Center of Excellence. He serves on the Lujan Center Neutron review committee at LANSCE, the Advisory Board for the Hydrocarbon Resources Gordon Research Conference and is a panel expert on the International Energy Agency (IEA) task on Hydrogen Storage.


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1987
  • B.S. from the University of Oregon in 1982

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Chemical Society
  • Materials Research Society



  • Grubel K., H. Jeong, C. Yoon, and S. Autrey. 2020. "Challenges and Opportunities for using Formate to Store, Transport and Use Hydrogen." Journal of Energy Chemistry 41. PNNL-SA-141924. doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2019.05.016
  • Nayyar I.H., B. Ginovska, A.J. Karkamkar, T. Gennett, and S. Autrey. 2020. "Physi-sorption of H2 on pure and boron-doped graphene monolayers: A dispersion-corrected DFT study." C: Journal of Carbon Research 6, no. 1:Article No. 15. PNNL-SA-147004. doi:10.3390/c6010015


  • Clark J.A., A. Murray, J. Lee, S. Autrey, A. Collord, and H.W. Hillhouse. 2019. "Complexation Chemistry in N,N-Dimethylformamide-Based Molecular Inks for Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Photovoltaic Devices." Journal of American Chemical Society 141, no. 1:298-308. PNNL-SA-136834. doi:10.1021/jacs.8b09966
  • Hirscher M., S. Autrey, and S. Orimo. 2019. "Hydrogen Energy." ChemPhysChem 20, no. 10:1157-1157. PNNL-SA-143944. doi:10.1002/cphc.201900429
  • Yu Y., T. He, A. Wu, Q. Pei, A.J. Karkamkar, S. Autrey, and P. Chen. 2019. "Reversible hydrogen uptake/release over sodium phenoxide-cyclohexanolae pair." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, no. 10:3102-3107. PNNL-SA-132154. doi:10.1002/anie.201810945


  • Allendorf M.D., Z. Hulvey, T. Gennett, A. Alauddin, S. Autrey, J. Camp, and E. Cho, et al. 2018. "An Assessment of Strategies for the Development of Solid-State adsorbents for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage." Energy and Environmental Science 11, no. 10:2784-2812. PNNL-SA-132915. doi:10.1039/c8ee01085d


  • Chong M.M., S. Autrey, and C.M. Jensen. 2017. "Lewis Base Complexes of Magnesium Borohydride: Enhanced Kinetics and Product Selectivity upon Hydrogen Release." Inorganics 5, no. 4:Article No. 89. PNNL-SA-130940. doi:10.3390/inorganics5040089
  • Houghton A.Y., and S. Autrey. 2017. "Calorimetric Study of the Activation of Hydrogen by Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane and Trimesitylphosphine." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, no. 46:8785-8790. PNNL-SA-128390. doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.7b08582
  • Li Z., X. Yang, N. Tsumori, Z. Liu, Y. Himeda, S. Autrey, and Q. Xu. 2017. "Tandem Nitrogen Functionalization of Porous Carbon: Toward Immobilizing Highly Active Palladium Nanoclusters for Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid." ACS Catalysis 7, no. 4:2720-2724. PNNL-SA-126166. doi:10.1021/acscatal.7b00053
  • Muller K.W., K.P. Brooks, and S. Autrey. 2017. "Hydrogen storage in formic acid: A comparison of process options." Energy and Fuels 31, no. 11:12603-12611. PNNL-SA-129670. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02997


  • Brooks K.P., M.E. Bowden, A.J. Karkamkar, A.Y. Houghton, and T. Autrey. 2016. "Coupling of Exothermic and Endothermic Hydrogen Storage Materials." Journal of Power Sources 324. PNNL-SA-113561. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.05.067
  • Callini E., Z.O. Kocabas, B.C. Hauback, S. Orimo, C.M. Jensen, M. Domheim, and D. Grant, et al. 2016. "Complex And Liquid Hydrides For Energy Storage." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 122, no. 4:Article No. 353. PNNL-SA-113140. doi:10.1007/s00339-016-9881-5
  • Whittemore S.M., M.E. Bowden, A.J. Karkamkar, K.K. Parab, D. Neiner, T. Autrey, and J.S. Ishisbashi, et al. 2016. "Blending materials composed of Boron, Nitrogen and Carbon to transform approaches to Liquid Hydrogen Stores." Dalton Transactions 45, no. 14:6196-6203. PNNL-SA-114404. doi:10.1039/C5DT04276C


  • Chen G., L.N. Zakharov, M.E. Bowden, A.J. Karkamkar, S.M. Whittemore, E.B. Garner, and T.C. Mikulas, et al. 2015. "Bis-BN Cyclohexane: A Remarkably Kinetically Stable Chemical Hydrogen Storage Material." Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, no. 1:134-137. PNNL-SA-107108. doi:10.1021/ja511766p
  • Ginovska-Pangovska B., T. Autrey, K.K. Parab, M.E. Bowden, R.G. Potter, and D.M. Camaioni. 2015. "Heterolysis of H2 Across a Classical Lewis Pair, 2,6-Lutidine-BCl3: Synthesis, Characterization, and Mechanism." Chemistry - A European Journal 21, no. 4:15713-15719. PNNL-SA-105055. doi:10.1002/chem.201501899
  • Schubert D.M., D. Neiner, M.E. Bowden, S.M. Whittemore, J.D. Holladay, Z. Huang, and T. Autrey. 2015. "Capacity Enhancement of Aqueous Borohydride Fuels for hydrogen storage in liquids." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 645, no. Supplement 1:S196-S199. PNNL-SA-105083. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.01.063
  • Whittemore S.M., and T. Autrey. 2015. "Kinetic and thermodynamic study of the reduction of 1,1-diphenylethylene by a thermally frustrated diethyl ether-BCF Lewis pair." Israel Journal of Chemistry 55, no. 2:196-201. PNNL-SA-106257. doi:10.1002/ijch.201400142


  • Kathmann S.M., H.M. Cho, T. Chang, G.K. Schenter, K.K. Parab, and T. Autrey. 2014. "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Molecular Response of Amine Bases in Organic Solvents." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, no. 18:4883-4888. PNNL-SA-100585. doi:10.1021/jp500821u
  • Lercher J.A., A.M. Appel, T. Autrey, R.M. Bullock, D.M. Camaioni, H.M. Cho, and D.A. Dixon, et al. 2014. "Multifunctional Catalysts to Synthesize and Utilize Energy Carriers." In Frontiers at the Interface between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, II, 207-219. Washington, District Of Columbia:U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science. PNNL-SA-103068.


  • Cantelli R., A. Paolone, O. Palumbo, O. Palumbo, F. Leardini, T. Autrey, and A.J. Karkamkar, et al. 2013. "Rotational dynamics in ammonia borane: Evidence of strong isotope effects." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 580, no. Supplement 1:S63-S66. PNNL-SA-100513. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.03.148
  • Karkamkar A.J., K. Parab, D.M. Camaioni, D. Neiner, H.M. Cho, T.K. Nielsen, and T. Autrey. 2013. "A Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of the Heterolytic Activation of Hydrogen by Frustrated Borane-Amine Lewis Pairs." Dalton Transactions 42, no. 3:615-619. PNNL-SA-89406. doi:10.1039/c2dt31628e
  • Luo W., D. Neiner, A.J. Karkamkar, K. Parab, E.B. Garner, D.A. Dixon, and D.W. Matson, et al. 2013. "3-Methyl-1,2-BN-Cyclopentane: A Promising H2 Storage Material?." Dalton Transactions 42, no. 3:611-614. PNNL-SA-89284. doi:10.1039/c2dt31617j
  • Nielsen T.K., A.J. Karkamkar, M.E. Bowden, F. Besenbacher, T.R. Jensen, and T. Autrey. 2013. "Methods to Stabilize and Destabilize Ammonium Borohydride." Dalton Transactions 42, no. 3:680-687. PNNL-SA-89183. doi:10.1039/C2DT31591B
  • Paolone A., F. Teocoli, S. Sanna, O. Palumbo, O. Palumbo, and T. Autrey. 2013. "Temperature Dependence of the Infrared Spectrum of Ammonia Borane: Librations, Rotations, and Molecular Vibrations." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 2:729-734. PNNL-SA-94039. doi:10.1021/jp3062898


  • Aijaz A., A.J. Karkamkar, Y. Choi, N. Tsumori, E. Ronnebro, T. Autrey, and H. Shioyama, et al. 2012. "Immobilizing Highly Catalytically Active Pt Nanoparticles inside the Pores of Metal-Organic Framework: A Double Solvents Approach." Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, no. 34:13926-13929. PNNL-SA-87806. doi:10.1021/ja3043905
  • Camaioni D.M., B. Ginovska-Pangovska, G.K. Schenter, S.M. Kathmann, and T. Autrey. 2012. "Analysis of the Activation and Heterolytic Dissociation of H2 by Frustrated Lewis Pairs: NH3/BX3 (X = H, F, and Cl)." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, no. 26:7228-7237. PNNL-SA-85092. doi:10.1021/jp3039829
  • Chua Y., W. Li, W.J. Shaw, G. Wu, T. Autrey, Z. Xiong, and Z. Xiong, et al. 2012. "Mechanistic Investigation on the Formation and Dehydrogenation of Calcium Amidoborane Ammoniate." ChemSusChem 5, no. 5:927-931. PNNL-SA-88654. doi:10.1002/cssc.201100523
  • Dang L.X., G.K. Schenter, T. Chang, S.M. Kathmann, and T. Autrey. 2012. "Role of Solvents on the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Forming Frustrated Lewis Pairs." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, no. 22:3312-3319. PNNL-SA-90952. doi:10.1021/jz301533a
  • Huang Z., and T. Autrey. 2012. "Boron-nitrogen-hydrogen (BNH) compounds: recent developments in hydrogen storage, applications in hydrogenation and catalysis, and new syntheses." Energy & Environmental Science 5, no. 11:9257-9268. PNNL-SA-89418. doi:10.1039/c2ee23039a
  • Kathmann S.M., C.J. Mundy, G.K. Schenter, T. Autrey, P.C. Aeberhard, W. David, and M.O. Jones, et al. 2012. "Understanding Vibrational Anharmonicity and Phonon Dispersion in Solid Ammonia Borane." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, no. 9:5926-5931. PNNL-SA-75483. doi:10.1021/jp207540x
  • Zhang Y., T. Autrey, and C.M. Wolverton. 2012. "First-principles Prediction of Intermediate Products in the Decomposition of Metal Amidoboranes." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, no. 51:26728-26734. PNNL-SA-89945. doi:10.1021/jp3106293


  • Autrey T., M.E. Bowden, and A.J. Karkamkar. 2011. "Control of hydrogen release and uptake in amine borane molecular complexes: Thermodynamics of ammonia borane, ammonium borohydride, and the diammoniate of diborane." Faraday Discussions 151, no. 0:157-169. PNNL-SA-76789. doi:10.1039/C0FD00015A
  • Bowden M.E., and T. Autrey. 2011. "Characterization and Mechanistic Studies of the Dehydrogenation of NHxBHx Materials." Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 15, no. 2:73-79. PNNL-SA-73671. doi:10.1016/j.cossms.2011.01.005
  • Chong M., A.J. Karkamkar, T. Autrey, S. Orimo, S. Jalisatgi, and C.M. Jensen. 2011. "Reversible Dehydrogenation of Magnesium Borohydride to Magnesium Triborane in the Solid State Under Moderate Conditions." Chemical Communications 47, no. 4:1330-1332. PNNL-SA-74978. doi:10.1039/C0CC03461D
  • Neiner D., A.J. Karkamkar, M. Bowden, Y. Choi, A.T. Luedtke, J.D. Holladay, and A.M. Fisher, et al. 2011. "Kinetic and Thermodynamic Investigation of Hydrogen Release from Ethane 1,2-di-amineborane." Energy & Environmental Science 4, no. 10:4187-4193. PNNL-SA-80269. doi:10.1039/C1EE01884A


  • Bowden M.E., D.J. Heldebrant, A.J. Karkamkar, T.E. Proffen, G.K. Schenter, and T. Autrey. 2010. "The diammoniate of diborane: Crystal structure and hydrogen release." Chemical Communications 46, no. 45:8564-8566. PNNL-SA-74582. doi:10.1039/C0CC03249B
  • Chellappa R.S., T. Autrey, M. Somayazulu, V.V. Struzhkin, and R.J. Hemley. 2010. "High-Pressure Hydrogen Interactions with Polyaminoborane and Polyiminoborane." ChemPhysChem 11, no. 1:93-96. PNNL-SA-71060. doi:10.1002/cphc.200900829
  • Chua Y., Y. Chua, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, Z. Xiong, A.J. Karkamkar, and J. Guo, et al. 2010. "Synthesis, Structure and Dehydrogenation of Magnesium Amidoborane Monoammoniate." Chemical Communications 46, no. 31:5752-5754. PNNL-SA-74419.
  • He T., J. Wang, G. Wu, H. Kim, T.E. Proffen, A. Wu, and W. Li, et al. 2010. "Growth of Crystalline Polyaminoborane through Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane on FeB Nanoalloy." Chemistry - A European Journal 16, no. 43:12814-12817. PNNL-SA-75489.
  • Kim H., A.J. Karkamkar, T. Autrey, P. Chupas, and T.E. Proffen. 2010. "Storing Hydrogen." In APs Science 2009, ANL-10/06. 48-49. Argonne, Illinois:Argonnen National Laboratory. PNNL-19252.
  • Li J., S.M. Kathmann, H. Hu, G.K. Schenter, T. Autrey, and M.S. Gutowski. 2010. "Theoretical Investigations on the Formation and Dehydrogenation Reaction Pathways of H(NH2BH2)nH (n=1-4) Oligomers: Importance of Dihydrogen Interactions (DHI)." Inorganic Chemistry 49, no. 17:7710-7720. PNNL-SA-71128.
  • Luedtke A.T., and T. Autrey. 2010. "Hydrogen Release Studies of Alkali Metal Amidoboranes." Inorganic Chemistry 49, no. 8:3905-3910. PNNL-SA-71061.
  • Neiner D., A.T. Luedtke, A.J. Karkamkar, W.J. Shaw, J. Wang, N. Browning, and T. Autrey, et al. 2010. "Decomposition Pathway of Ammonia Borane on the Surface of nano-BN." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, no. 32:13935-13941. PNNL-SA-72290.
  • Palumbo O., O. Palumbo, A. Paolone, P. Rispoli, R. Cantelli, and T. Autrey. 2010. "Decomposition of NH3BH3 at sub-ambient pressures: A combined thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis-mass spectrometry study." Journal of Power Sources 195, no. 6:1615-1618. PNNL-SA-67754.
  • Paolone A., O. Palumbo, O. Palumbo, P. Rispoli, R. Cantelli, and T. Autrey. 2010. "An Investigation of the Structural Phase Transition of Ammonia Borane." Materials Science and Engineering. A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 521-22. PNNL-SA-69079.
  • Rassat S.D., C.L. Aardahl, T. Autrey, and R.S. Smith. 2010. "Thermal Stability of Ammonia Borane: A Case Study for Exothermic Hydrogen Storage Materials." Energy and Fuels 24, no. 4:2596-2606. PNNL-SA-69869. doi:10.1021/ef901430a
  • Shaw W.J., M.E. Bowden, A.J. Karkamkar, C.J. Howard, D.J. Heldebrant, N.J. Hess, and J.C. Linehan, et al. 2010. "Characterization of a New Phase of Ammonia Borane." Energy & Environmental Science 3, no. 6:796-804. PNNL-SA-66903.
  • Xiong Z., Y. Chua, Y. Chua, G. Wu, L. Wang, M. Wong, and Z.M. Kam, et al. 2010. "Interaction of Ammonia Borane with Li2NH and Li3N." Dalton Transactions 39, no. 3:720-722. PNNL-SA-69073. doi:10.1039/B916994F


  • Hess N.J., G.K. Schenter, M.R. Hartman, L.L. Daemen, T.E. Proffen, S.M. Kathmann, and C.J. Mundy, et al. 2009. "Neutron Powder Diffraction and Molecular Simulation Study of the Structural Evolution of Ammonia Borane from 15 to 340 K." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, no. 9:5723-5735. PNNL-SA-63995. doi:10.1021/jp900839c
  • Karkamkar A.J., S.M. Kathmann, G.K. Schenter, D.J. Heldebrant, N.J. Hess, M.S. Gutowski, and T. Autrey. 2009. "Thermodynamic and Structural Investigations of Ammonium Borohydride, a Solid with a Highest Content of Thermodynamically and Kinetically Accessible Hydrogen." Chemistry of Materials 21, no. 19:4356-4358. PNNL-SA-62087. doi:10.1021/cm902385c
  • Kathmann S.M., V.M. Parvanov, G.K. Schenter, A.C. Stowe, L.L. Daemen, M.A. Hartl, and J.C. Linehan, et al. 2009. "Experimental and Computational Studies on Collective Hydrogen Dynamics in Ammonia Borane: Incoherent Inelastic Neutron Scattering." Journal of Chemical Physics 130, no. 2:article no. 024507. PNNL-SA-61178. doi:10.1063/1.3042270
  • Kim H., A.J. Karkamkar, T. Autrey, P. Chupas, and T.E. Proffen. 2009. "Determination of structure and phase transition of light element nanocomposites in mesoporous silica: case study of NH3BH3 in MCM-41." Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, no. 38:13749-13755. PNNL-SA-67171.
  • Neiner D., A.J. Karkamkar, J.C. Linehan, B.W. Arey, T. Autrey, and S.M. Kauzlarich. 2009. "Promotion of Hydrogen Release from Ammonia Borane with Mechanically Activated Hexagonal Boron Nitride." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, no. 3:1098-1103. PNNL-SA-62557. doi:10.1021/jp8087385
  • Paolone A., O. Palumbo, O. Palumbo, P. Rispoli, R. Cantelli, and T. Autrey. 2009. "Hydrogen dynamics and characterization of the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transformation in ammonia borane." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, no. 14:5872-5878. PNNL-SA-63777.
  • Paolone A., O. Palumbo, O. Palumbo, P. Rispoli, R. Cantelli, T. Autrey, and A.J. Karkamkar. 2009. "Absence of the structural phase transition in ammonia borane dispersed in mesoporous silica: evidence of novel thermodynamic properties." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, no. 24:10319-10321. PNNL-SA-65668.
  • Rousseau R.J., G.K. Schenter, J.L. Fulton, J.C. Linehan, M.H. Engelhard, and T. Autrey. 2009. "Defining Active Catalyst Structure and Reaction Pathways from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Operando XAFS: Dehydrogenation of Dimethylaminoborane by Rhodium Clusters." Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, no. 30:10516-10524. PNNL-SA-64880.
  • Wang L.Q., A.J. Karkamkar, T. Autrey, and G.J. Exarhos. 2009. "Hyperpolarized Xe-129 NMR Investigation of Ammonia Borane in Mesoporous Silica." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, no. 16:6485-6490. PNNL-SA-63693.
  • Wang S., W. Mao, and T. Autrey. 2009. "Bonding in Boranes and Their Interaction with Molecular Hydrogen at Extreme Conditions." Journal of Chemical Physics 131, no. 14:Art. No. 144508. PNNL-SA-69313.


  • Cho H.M., W.J. Shaw, V.M. Parvanov, G.K. Schenter, A.J. Karkamkar, N.J. Hess, and C.J. Mundy, et al. 2008. "Molecular Structure and Dynamics in the Low Temperature (Orthorhombic) Phase of NH3BH3." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, no. 18:4277-4283. PNNL-SA-58394.
  • Dietrich B.L., K.I. Goldberg, D.M. Heinekey, T. Autrey, and J.C. Linehan. 2008. "Iridium Catalyzed Dehydrogenation of Substituted Amine Boranes: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Implications for Hydrogen Storage." Inorganic Chemistry 47, no. 19:8583-8585. PNNL-SA-62015. doi:10.1021/ic801161g
  • Heldebrant D.J., A.J. Karkamkar, J.C. Linehan, and T. Autrey. 2008. "Synthesis of Ammonia Borane for Hydrogen Storage Applications." Energy & Environmental Science 1, no. 1:156-160. PNNL-SA-60960. doi:10.1039/b808865a
  • Heldebrant D.J., A.J. Karkamkar, J.C. Linehan, and T. Autrey. 2008. "Synthesis of Ammonia Borane for Hydrogen Storage Applications." Energy & Environmental Science 1, no. 1:156-160. PNNL-SA-61234.
  • Heldebrant D.J., A.J. Karkamkar, N.J. Hess, M.E. Bowden, S.D. Rassat, F. Zheng, and K.G. Rappe, et al. 2008. "The Effects of Chemical Additives on the Induction Phase in Solid-State Thermal Decomposition of Ammonia Borane." Chemistry of Materials 20, no. 16:5332-5336. PNNL-SA-60433. doi:10.1021/cm801253u
  • Hess N.J., M.E. Bowden, V.M. Parvanov, C.J. Mundy, S.M. Kathmann, G.K. Schenter, and T. Autrey. 2008. "Spectroscopic Studies of the Phase Transition in Ammonia Borane: Raman spectroscopy of single crystal NH3BH3 as a function of temperature from 88 to 330 K." Journal of Chemical Physics 128, no. 3:Art. No. 034508. PNNL-SA-56829. doi:10.1063/1.2820768
  • Hess N.J., M.R. Hartman, C. Brown, E. Mamontov, A.J. Karkamkar, D.J. Heldebrant, and L.L. Daemen, et al. 2008. "Quasielastic neutron scattering of -NH3 and -BH3 rotational dynamics in orthorhombic ammonia borane." Chemical Physics Letters 459, no. 1-6:85-88. PNNL-SA-58774. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.04.130
  • Parvanov V.M., G.K. Schenter, N.J. Hess, L.L. Daemen, M.A. Hartl, A.C. Stowe, and D.M. Camaioni, et al. 2008. "Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Structure and Dynamics of Borane Ammonia Complex." Dalton Transactions. PNNL-SA-58702. doi:10.1039/b718138h
  • Shaw W.J., J.C. Linehan, N.K. Szymczak, D.J. Heldebrant, C.R. Yonker, D.M. Camaioni, and R. Baker, et al. 2008. "In Situ Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopic Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonia Borane in Solution." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47, no. 39:7493-7496. PNNL-SA-60317. doi:10.1002/anie.200802100
  • Xiong Z., C.K. Yong, G. Wu, P. Chen, W.J. Shaw, A.J. Karkamkar, and T. Autrey, et al. 2008. "High-capacity hydrogen storage in lithium and sodium amidoboranes." Nature Materials 7, no. 2:138-141. PNNL-SA-54652. doi:10.1038/nmat2081
  • Xiong Z., Z. Xiong, Y. Chua, Y. Chua, G. Wu, W.L. Xu, and P. Chen, et al. 2008. "Interaction of Lithium Hydride and Ammonia Borane in THF." Chemical Communications 43. PNNL-SA-62842. doi:10.1039/b812576g
  • Zheng F., S.D. Rassat, D.J. Heldebrant, D.D. Caldwell, C.L. Aardahl, T. Autrey, and J.C. Linehan, et al. 2008. "Automated gas burette system for evolved hydrogen measurements." Review of Scientific Instruments 79, no. 8:Article no: 084103. PNNL-SA-60596. doi:10.1063/1.2968715


  • Feaver A.M., S. Sepehri, S. Sepehri, P.J. Shamberger, A.C. Stowe, T. Autrey, and G. Cao. 2007. "Coherent Carbon Cryogel-Ammonia Borane Nanocomposites for Improved Hydrogen Storage." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, no. 26:7469-7472. PNNL-SA-50064. doi:10.1021/jp072448t
  • Fulton J.L., J.C. Linehan, T. Autrey, M. Balasubramanian, Y. Chen, and N.K. Szymczak. 2007. "When is a Nanoparticle a Cluster? An Operando EXAFS Study of Amine Borane Dehydrocoupling by Rh4-6 Clusters." Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, no. 39:11936-11949. PNNL-SA-55184.
  • Gunaydin-Sen O., R. Achey, R. Achey, N.S. Dalal, A.C. Stowe, and T. Autrey. 2007. "High Resolution 15N NMR of the 225 K Phase Transition of Ammonia Borane (NH3BH3): Mixed Order-Disorder and Displacive Behavior." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, no. 4:677-681. PNNL-SA-52116. doi:10.1021/jp0649347
  • Heldebrant D.J., J.C. Linehan, D.M. Camaioni, S.D. Rassat, F. Zheng, and T. Autrey. 2007. "EFFECT OF ADDITIVES ON THE THERMOLYSIS OF AMMONIA BORANE." In 234th American Chemical Society Conference Proceedings - Reprints of Symposia - Division of Fuel Chemistry., 52, 563-564. Washington Dc:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-55182.
  • Karkamkar A.J., C.L. Aardahl, and T. Autrey. 2007. "Recent Developments on Hydrogen Release from Ammonia Borane." Material Matters 2, no. 2:6-9. PNNL-SA-53833.
  • Matus M.H., K. Anderson, D.M. Camaioni, T. Autrey, and D.A. Dixon. 2007. "Reliable Predictions of the Thermochemistry of Boron-Nitrogen Hydrogen Storage Compounds: BxNxHy, x=2,3." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111, no. 20:4411-4421. PNNL-SA-53979. doi:10.1021/jp070931y
  • Sepehri S., S. Sepehri, A.M. Feaver, W.J. Shaw, C.J. Howard, Q. Zhang, and T. Autrey, et al. 2007. "Spectroscopic Studies of Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane in Carbon Cryogel." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, no. 51:14285-14289. PNNL-SA-57010. doi:10.1021/jp077057t
  • Stowe A.C., W.J. Shaw, J.C. Linehan, B. Schmid, and T. Autrey. 2007. "In situ solid state B-11 MAS-NMR studies of the thermal decomposition of ammonia borane: mechanistic studies of the hydrogen release pathways from a solid state hydrogen storage material." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 9, no. 15:1831-1836. PNNL-SA-53454. doi:10.1039/b617781f


  • Brown C., T. Jacques, N.J. Hess, L.L. Daemen, E. Mamontov, J.C. Linehan, and A.C. Stowe, et al. 2006. "Dynamics of Ammonia Borane Using Neutron Scattering." Physica B Condensed Matter 385, no. Pt.1:266-268. PNNL-SA-49618.
  • Gutowski M.S., and T. Autrey. 2006. "Hydrogen Gets Onboard." Chemistry World. PNNL-SA-47995.
  • Rassat S.D., R.S. Smith, C.L. Aardahl, T. Autrey, A.A. Chin, J.W. Magee, and G.R. VanSciver, et al. 2006. "Thermal Stability and Hydrogen Release Kinetics of Ammonia Borane Under Vehicle Storage Conditions." In The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Fuel Chemistry, September 10-14, 2006, San Francisco, California, 51, 517-519. Washington Dc:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-50037.


  • Chen Y., J.L. Fulton, J.C. Linehan, and T. Autrey. 2005. "In-situ XAFS and NMR Study of Rhodium Catalyzed Dehydrogenation of Dimethylamine Borane." Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, no. 10:3254-3255. PNNL-SA-43132. doi:10.1021/ja0437050
  • Gutowska A., L. Li, Y. Shin, C.M. Wang, X.S. Li, J.C. Linehan, and R.S. Smith, et al. 2005. "Nano-Scaffold Mediates Hydrogen Release and Reactivity of Ammonia Borane." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44, no. 23:3578-3582. PNNL-SA-43271.
  • Linehan J.C., T. Autrey, J.L. Fulton, Y. Chen, and M. Balasubramanian. 2005. "Catalysis for Hydrogen Storage." In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society: 230th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 230, U1651. Washington Dc:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-45455.


  • Autrey T., A.K. Brown, D.M. Camaioni, M. Dupuis, N.S. Foster, and A.D. Getty. 2004. "Thermochemistry of Aqueous Hydroxyl Radical from Advances in Photoacoustic Calorimetry and ab Initio Continum Solvation Theory." Journal of the American Chemical Society 126, no. 12:3680-3681. PNNL-SA-40655.
  • Franz J.A., W.J. Shaw, C.N. Lamb, T. Autrey, D.S. Kolwaite, D.M. Camaioni, and M.S. Alnajjar. 2004. "Absolute Rate Constants for Reactions of Tributylstannyl Radicals with Bromoalkanes, Episulfides, and alpha-Halomethyl-Episulfides, -Cyclopropanes, and -Oxiranes: New Rate Expressions for Sulfur and Bromine Atom Abstraction." Journal of Organic Chemistry 69, no. 4:1020-1027. PNNL-SA-41000.
  • Shaw W.J., P. Kandandarachchi, J.A. Franz, and T. Autrey. 2004. "Spectroscopic Studies of Tributylstannyl Radical. Rates of Formation, Termination and Abstraction Determined by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy." Organometallics 23, no. 9:2080-2086. PNNL-SA-40565.


  • Autrey T., S.V. Egerev, N.S. Foster, A. Fokin, and O. Ovchinnikov. 2003. "Counting Particles by Means of Optoacoustics: Potential Limits in Real Solutions." Review of Scientific Instruments 74, no. 1, part 2:628-631. PNNL-SA-35790.
  • Pritchina E.A., N. Gritsan, A. Maltsev, T. Bally, T. Autrey, Y. Liu, and Y. Wang, et al. 2003. "Matrix isolation, time-resolved IR, and computational study of the photochemistry of benzoyl azide." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 5, no. 6:1010-1018. PNNL-SA-43061.


  • Kandanarachchi P.H., T. Autrey, and J.A. Franz. 2002. "Model Compound Studies of the Beta-O-4 Linkage in Lignin: Absolute Rate Expressions for Beta-Scission of Phenoxyl Radical from 1-Phenyl-2-phenoxyethanol-1-yl Radical." Journal of Organic Chemistry 67, no. 23:7937-7945. PNNL-SA-35970.


  • Autrey T., D.M. Camaioni, P.H. Kandanarachchi, and J.A. Franz. 2001. "Comparison of Diffusion Coefficients of Aryl Carbonyls and Aryl Alcohols in Hydroxylic Solvents. Evidence that the Diffusion of Ketyl Radicals in Hydrogen-Bonding Solvents is Not Anomalous?." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, no. 24:5948-5953. PNNL-SA-33375.
  • Autrey T., N.S. Foster, D.F. Hopkins, and J.M. Price. 2001. "Tunable Ultraviolet Visible Photoacoustic Detection - Analysis of the Sensitivity and Selectivity Provided by a Xenon Flash Lamp." Analytica Chimica Acta 434, no. 2:217-222. PNNL-SA-33807.
  • Camaioni D.M., and T. Autrey. 2001. "Thermochemical Kinetic Analysis of Mechanism for Thermal Oxidation of Organic Complexants in High-Level Wastes." In Nuclear Site Remediation: First Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program, ACS Symposium Series 778, edited by P. Gary Weller and William R. Heineman, 299-313. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-32517.
  • Foster N.S., J.E. Amonette, T. Autrey, and J.T. Ho. 2001. "Detection of Trace Levels of Water in Oil by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy." Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical 77, no. 3:620-624. PNNL-SA-33720.
  • Linehan J.C., C.R. Yonker, R.S. Addleman, T. Autrey, J.T. Bays, T.E. Bitterwolf, and J.L. Daschbach. 2001. "Solvent Study of the Kinetics of Molybdenum Radical Self-Termination." Organometallics 20, no. 3:401-407. PNNL-SA-34196.


  • Franz J.A., D.M. Camaioni, T. Autrey, J.C. Linehan, and M.S. Alnajjar. 2000. "Measurement of Select Radical Processes in Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis." Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 54, no. 1-2:37-64. PNNL-SA-31521.
  • Small J.R., N.S. Foster, J.E. Amonette, and T. Autrey. 2000. "Listening to Colloidal Silica Samples: Simultaneous Measurement of Absorbed and Scattered Light Using Pulsed-Laser Photoacoustics." Applied Spectroscopy 54, no. 8:1142-1150. PNNL--SA-31375.


  • Autrey T., J.C. Linehan, L.E. Kaune, T.R. Powers, E.F. Mcmillan, C.J. Stearns, and J.A. Franz. 1999. "FeS Assisted Scission of Strong Bonds in Phenoxydiphenylmethanes. Competition between Hydrogen Atom Transfer and Free Radical Rearrangement Pathways." Energy and Fuels 13, no. 4:927-933. PNNL-SA-30761.
  • Autrey T., N.S. Foster, and K.D. Klepzig. 1999. "Nanojoules, Nanoliters and Nanosecond Calorimetry." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry 125, no. 1-3:13-19. PNNL-SA-30634.
  • Foster N.S., J.E. Amonette, and T. Autrey. 1999. "In-situ Detection of Chromate Using Photoacoustic Spectroscopy." Applied Spectroscopy 53, no. 6:735-740. PNNL-SA-30236.
  • Foster N.S., T. Autrey, J.E. Amonette, J.R. Small, and E.W. Small. 1999. "Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: A Versatile Absorption-Spectroscopic Technique." American Laboratory 31, no. 4:96S-108S. PNNL-SA-30001.
  • Linehan J.C., C.R. Yonker, J.T. Bays, T. Autrey, T.E. Bitterwolf, and S. Gallagher. 1999. "A Kinetic Study of the Thermal Loss of Ethylene from CpNb(CO)(3)(eta(2)-C2H4) in Supercritical Fluid Solvents." Journal of the American Chemical Society 120, no. 23:5826-5827. PNNL-SA-29520.
  • Luey J., J.G. Darab, T. Autrey, J.D. Vienna, and H.L. Wigent. 1999. Characterization of Offgas Generated During Calcination of Incinerator Ash Surrogates. PNNL-11982. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Characterization of Offgas Generated During Calcination of Incinerator Ash Surrogates


  • Autrey T., N.S. Foster, K. Klepzig, J.E. Amonette, and J.L. Daschbach. 1998. "A New Angle into Time-Resolved Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: A Layered Prism Cell Increases Experimental Flexibility." Review of Scientific Instruments 69, no. 6:2246-2258. PNNL-SA-32703. doi:10.1063/1.1148928